Sunday 26 September 2010

it's all new

this is not the first time i write a blog. but i never last long on writing it.but it's all new now. i will try to write more often. since i have become a college girl and everything is seemed much easier now then before.
why i choose today but not yesterday nor tomorrow? because today's date is my favourite date. i don't know why, but i just like the number. and that is all. and why i choose to start blogging away is because i think of the global warming that we often heard now and then. you must be thinking, am i joking? well, i'm not. to tell you the truth, when i start writing, i will end up with so much doodling around and in the end, all of it is useful and i just threw them up. it's just so much waste. that's why i tried to write in my laptop. 
i made stories, you can say that i am an-author-to-be, but the story itself is never fixed. i kept changing the story line. because i am a perfectionist so i want everything to look perfect. but i try to improve my writing skill by reading more and writing more. it's easy to write stories in ms.word, but it's hard to write a blog. cause i am kind of sucks at designing things with technology. i prefer designing with hands. sounds more original. besides, i like simplicity, so doing by my own hands is the right way, though i know that with technology, simplicity can be done too. i still write in my daily notebooks, but i also wanted to try a blog. well, i can't just abandon my cute notebooks, right? 

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