Monday 4 October 2010


it's been a tiring day but i must say it's fun as well. after some friend issue that i have, i am quite relieve that i'm not the only one who feel this way. i think someone need to into introspection herself before she judge someone else. it's good to know that i start to enjoy my college life. i finally found friends that are quite alike with my besties, even though whatever my new friends might be, they wont't replace my besties, ever. i start to like it here. it's good here, with all those, nearly as crazy as my besties, friends. it's a good start. and all in all, i start to write my novel more routine. it's a good progress too. :)


today, i went to some high schools to send an invitation about an event that was held by my faculty of my university. it's fun. my friends and i laughed all the way. it's not tiring at all since it's our choice to send these invitations. anyway, we went to six schools. i missed high schools so much when i saw those students still wearing their uniforms. i miss my friends badly. i know life's always goes on, but it's not wrong to remember those happy moments. and i can't just go on and forget my friends, right? high school moments is always placed the first place, and i hope college moments placed at the second position.
sorry if i kept repeating on and on about high schools, but i couldn't stop myself. life goes on and memories are the only one that can kept my high school moments alive.
i hope i can get through my test well. let me through all these well either. and i hope december will come sooner than i thought. i can't hardly wait to see my besties, my family and all others. miss you guys. :)

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