Thursday 30 September 2010

a story of a girl and a boy

this is a story of a girl and a boy. they used to be friends, best friends. together, with four of their best friends, they made a group. six of them become best friends forever. madness when they joined together. they have promised to be best friends forever.


but destiny said otherwise. the boy and the girl fell in love with each other. 
when the boy stated his feeling to the girl, the girl never felt much happier than that time. since then, they've become a couple. the girl loves the boy so much that nothing can ever replace him. she hopes that the boy will feel the same.

Wednesday 29 September 2010

found this amazing videos

i was about to finish browsing when i watched this video. this is a great video. my dearest one gave me the link to me and when i watched it, i was like stunned in an awe. seriously, it's great. hope you like it too.

busy busy busy

i'm sorry for abandoning my blog for a few days. but i'm still trying to keep it up. i haven't used to write a blog every day because sometimes my ideas get stacked. well, in this case, it's not the idea that stacked, but because i have my biology mid term test. i was so nervous since i have to learn a lot. i'm not that good at remembering something like that. i took biotechnology course anyway, for my studies at college, and i'm kind of half regret it. i hate biology since high school and now all i learnt was biology and not far from that. i would like to take art and design course but i didn't get enough support to take it. but well, i have to undergo it happily. it's not that bad here. i got a great new friends today, after we had our "beloved" test, we had another biology practical. it's so tiring. cutting those stems and roots made my neck ache. we have to slice it as thinly as possible or else i won't get the tissue's picture properly. finished with that bloody practical, me and my friends went to cafeteria and we talked about many things. many things mean high school moments. we are having some nostalgia talks. they told us about sweet seventeenth party that they have attended during high school. especially the one who was held by a daughter of a very very rich man in here. the party cost one billion rupiahs. i guess it's not really worth it, you know. i mean. if you can spend a lot of money to party, it's better to spend those money to same orphanage. or else, you could just spend it for something else that worth it. but each person is different, so it's up to them anyway. we also talked about our school's trip to bali. it's fun. each of us have our own unique experience in bali. and each experience was fun and joyful. i miss bali so much. i did go to bali with my friends too during high school. it's a school trip and it was as fun as hell. i won't forget those unforgettable moment in bali. and i wish i can go there again with my beloved friends.

sunset in Kuta, Bali
(it's a very beautiful scenery)

i guess it's enough for today. i still got so many homework to do. i wonder why we still have to do homework in college. i guess it's just the way things work. well, see ya!

Sunday 26 September 2010

my life so far

it's been two months since i have moved here. i'm getting used to it even though i still feel homesick a lot times. like everything i did, i see and i hear reminds me of home. it's fun here and quite comfortable, but i just miss home so much. i miss the sound of someone waking me up every morning, or the sound of me and my sister arguing every day and the sound of someone greets me every evening. and most of all the smell of my bed and my room.
not just my home, i also miss my high school so much. too much that i can't even stop thinking about it every day. it's like some part of me missing too. i miss the sound of the bells ringing and the sound of my classmates chattering like no teacher was there and the sound of whisper during exam. and most of all, i miss the sound of laughter every time i gathered with my best best friends. 
i must say, me and my friends were like crazy people when we were gathered together. we laughed, joked, teased like no end. we acted like we never care what others will think. it's what make us we. 


every thing is different now. but nothing changed between us and i hope it won't change forever. best friends forever is a promise of a life time, not just some label that you wear around. 

it's nice here. my new friends are good and funny too. we have fun a lot either. even though we are from different schools before, but we have the same aim and the same wish. we also have the same thoughts that high school time will never end. it will always be in our memory.

it's all new

this is not the first time i write a blog. but i never last long on writing it.but it's all new now. i will try to write more often. since i have become a college girl and everything is seemed much easier now then before.
why i choose today but not yesterday nor tomorrow? because today's date is my favourite date. i don't know why, but i just like the number. and that is all. and why i choose to start blogging away is because i think of the global warming that we often heard now and then. you must be thinking, am i joking? well, i'm not. to tell you the truth, when i start writing, i will end up with so much doodling around and in the end, all of it is useful and i just threw them up. it's just so much waste. that's why i tried to write in my laptop. 
i made stories, you can say that i am an-author-to-be, but the story itself is never fixed. i kept changing the story line. because i am a perfectionist so i want everything to look perfect. but i try to improve my writing skill by reading more and writing more. it's easy to write stories in ms.word, but it's hard to write a blog. cause i am kind of sucks at designing things with technology. i prefer designing with hands. sounds more original. besides, i like simplicity, so doing by my own hands is the right way, though i know that with technology, simplicity can be done too. i still write in my daily notebooks, but i also wanted to try a blog. well, i can't just abandon my cute notebooks, right?